Bowls is a sport and activity for all ages and for all abilities. While it’s a gentle non-contact sport, you’ll be surprised how much you move and how much distance you cover, so it’s good for relaxation and for your health.



Why Howick Bowling Club


  • Highly respected Club, one of the biggest in Auckland, with many accolades
  • 5 greens for year-round play
  • Competitive and social bowls to suit all requirements and time restraints
  • Friendly club with good social atmosphere
  • Greens open for practice most times with free access to mats and rink markers etc
  • Inexpensive sport or pastime
  • Host to Auckland, national and even international events
  • Licensed bar

Play bowls is an Auckland Bowls website page that gives a good introduction to the game of bowls.



  • Free coaching, Monday and Saturday mornings, all year around
  • No need to join while you learn
  • Modern club bowls available to use at coaching
  • Wear flat soled shoes
  • Coaching enquiries to:, phone: 09 534 5098

What you will need:
The club has bowls available for coaching or members bowls no longer required that can be used initially  – so you don’t need to buy anything until you get serious.

The club has a shop where you can buy club shirts, jackets, shoes and other clothing items and bowls equipment and accessories. No special clothing is required for coaching, practising or any activities in the winter. During the summer season there are club requirements and the club shirt, jacket and shorts & trousers are available for purchase at the club’s shop.




Social Bowls

Thursday Roll-ups: 1.00 pm start.  Please be at the Club by 12.35 pm.  Social games of pairs or triples will be arranged as suits the numbers.  Mufti wear is fine.  Please check the Club info line Ph 534 5335 for any update.




Pick up an application form from the clubhouse and give to a coach, a member of the executive, leave in the mail basket at the club office or email to  Please ensure that you have it proposed and seconded by financial members of the club. Applications are considered by the Executive at each monthly meeting.


Full Playing Member $315.00 (inc GST)

First Year Member $150.00 (inc GST)

Restricted Member $160.00 (inc GST)

Associate Member $120.00 (inc GST)

Collegiate Member $40.00 (inc GST)

Social Member $50.00 (inc GST)

*Members joining after 1st January may pay a reduced subscription at the discretion of the Executive.

The subscription season commences on 1 July each year and runs to 30 June the following year. Subscriptions are due by 31 July.

Restricted Members are limited to roll-ups, Twilight Bowls and practice only and are not eligible to compete in weekly or other club tournaments, Centre events or vote at general meetings.

Associate Members must already hold Full or Life Membership of another club.  They have playing rights but are not eligible to play in Club Championships and may not represent the Club in Inter-Club competition or vote at general meetings.

Social Members have no playing rights but may use the Club’s other facilities and are included in all relevant mailing lists.