Greetings and welcome to this newsletter.
New Members:
We extend a warm welcome to new members Kim Svensen, Ross Baxter, Les Gallagher and Lloyd Richards. We hope you find companionship and enjoyment within our Club environment.
Please make our new members feel welcome.
New Manager:
It is my pleasure to introduce Kashmira Umrigar as our newly appointed Club Manager. Kasmira comes to us having had experience in managing a local sports club. Kashmira started on Tuesday 1 October.
Kashmira is here to assist us in developing the Club and its amenities. She is not a bowler (yet) so will not be undertaking tasks currently done by our amazing volunteers.
Composition of the Executive:
Sadly, Eddie Jones has had to withdraw from serving as an executive member. Eddie will continue to be a playing member of our Club.
We are delighted that Sue Carroll has agreed to join the Executive and will take on the role of Secretary. Thank you, Sue.
Subscriptions were due for payment 31 July. Thank you to those who have already paid. Those who have not yet paid their subscriptions are likely to find themselves excluded from playing in any format.
Timed Games:
The executive discussed timing our games as is currently done at the provincial and national level. The advantage is that players will get practice at timing their games and it will speed up the process of finishing our weekly tournaments. We started with 2-4-2 in September, and it has been a success. Unfortunately, our timing device meet with an accident, but has since been repaired so timed games are back on. We will use a time allowance based the current times applied by Auckland Bowls.
Dumping Bowls:
We have observed that some members are “dumping” their bowls as they play. While there is no definition of “dumping” it is generally accepted that this covers players dropping their bowls into the surface of the green. This creates problems in that it causes dents in the green (both grass and artificial) thus bowls change their track when they strike one, which seems a little unfair to those who bowls normally. If you consider that this could apply to you please ask for assistance from the coaches or borrow a bowling arm to trial. Please do not be offended if you are quietly approached by a coach or convenor and asked to consider your action.
Tournament Entries
Following a recent spate of members entering competitions and not appearing for play, it is timely to remind everyone that it causes serious disruption to the day and an unreasonable burden for the convenor. It is difficult enough to run a tournament without the distraction of last-minute changes, and we must show respect to those who take the time to run tournaments for members.
Please, if you enter a tournament and cannot make it is your responsibility to find a replacement. Please do not ring the convenor at 8am to say that you are withdrawing – give them as much notice as possible if you cannot find a replacement.
Covered Green:
We are pleased to advise members that a building consent has been issued for the construction. However additional foundation requirements have resulted in a major cost blowout. We are trying to source additional funding of $400,000 so that the project can proceed.
Other matters:
Roll up day, previously called Have a Go Day, is scheduled for October 20th. The aim of the day is to get members of the community to try bowls and is being supported by Bowls Auckland. Other Clubs in the region will also be engaging their communities. We are going to drop flyers in household letter boxes, but I encourage you to invite your neighbours and friends to at least try the game.
Much progress has been made in attracting sponsors for tournament days. However, we can accommodate more. If you know of a commercial organisation that may be interested, please contact one of the executive, who will arrange for a follow up discussion.
Enjoy your Bowls.
Welcome to what should become an occasional newsletter to all Club members. Generally, I would hope that it gets distributed after each monthly executive meeting.
Our AGM was held on Saturday 29th June. A total of 57 members were present in person, so we were able to transaction the business required. The President’s and financial annual report were adopted. Also presented, verbally, was an update on progress on the covered green project. Members will be relieved to know that Watercare has finally given its approval to build over the major water pipes under the existing carpet greens.
A new executive was elected: President – Brian Jago
Treasurer – Dana Taylor
Ladies Club Captain – Linda Fenton
Men’s Club Captain – Lex Calder
Members – Mark Andrews, Wade Brearley, Eddie Jones and Guy Orr Secretary – remains vacant but urgently needed
The meeting expressed its thanks to Past President Noeline and the retiring members of the executive for their service.
Subscriptions for the new year were set. These are Full Playing Member – $315
First Year Players – $150
Restricted Member – $160
Associate Member – $120 Collegiate Member – $40 Social Member – $50.
Invoices will be sent out in the next few days. It would be enormously helpful if subs were paid promptly.
Enjoy your bowls.